Aims: We trying to become a regulated profession that we can thrive in, and through education we try to motivate PhT to work on their personal growth and greater contribution to profession. Therefore we design education aimed in all areas of compatibility with ability to acquire greater competence. The Croatian Association of PhT through their work is trying to encourage legislation to make a PhT profession a regulated profession. Looking in to Directive 2005/36/EC it is important to achive a new, higher level of organization for this profession. For that purpose Croatian Association of PhT has prepared a very wide programme of lifelong learning to promote a high level of competencies for PhT throughout Croatia. Basic activites: education of our members, organization of thematic conferences, preparation, editing and publishing of the professional journal
Our members work in the public, private and hospital pharmacies, specialized drugstores, other health institutions, the pharmaceutical industry, pharmaceutical laboratories, wholesalers with medical and pharmaceutical products and state services (army, police, etc.).
In our pharmacy only can work pharmacist and pharmacy technicians
In Croatia PhT are a health profession existing since 1949. This is short overview how to become PhT: after completing 4 years of high school and 4394 hours of training, followed by 12 months of internship, intern has to pass the exam and subsequently attained the rank of pharmacy technician. After that a PhT is not required to undergo professional training, because the profession of PhT in Croatia is not regulated by law.
Average payment for PhT in Croatia is between 600 and 800 euro’s. We have a 40-hour work week.
Let me kindly inform you of the establishment of the Czech Chamber of Pharmacy Technicians/Assistants (ČKFA – Česká komora farmaceutickcých asistentů) a recently founded organization, whose members work as the pharmacy technicians or the assistants, operating in the Czech Republic.
The Czech Chamber of Pharmacy Technicians/Assistants was part of the Czech Association of Nurses until September 2019, when the association split up into two completely independent associations. Now the Czech Chamber of Pharmacy Technicians/Assistants is a new entity which can better protect the interests of the pharmacy technicians or the assistants in a pharmacy field.
The Chamber is representing as many as 300 specialized workers, the ČKFA wants to play an active part in the debate about the future of the pharmacy technicians/assistants in the Czech Republic as same as in Europe. Now the Czech Chamber of Pharmacy Technicians/Assistants is independent, professional organization with voluntary and open membership. The main objective of the Czech Chamber of Pharmacy Technicians/Assistants is to defend and promote the interests of the pharmacy technicians or assistants as well as of patients.
We are convinced that the pharmacy technicians or assistants are very important part of primary care and is irreplaceable in a part of self-medication process. The most pharmacy technicians or assistants are operating in the field of prevention and education for a professional and laymen. They are not operating only in the pharmacies, but also in shops with medical products, medical instruments, medical equipment accessories and in the national or private laboratories. They usually train colleagues or teach at medical nursing schools. They are involved in the health and safety issues.
The Board members of the ČKFA have started to cooperate with Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic and with the central authorities of the state administration for the health care to attract more young people to came to a pharmacy sector and work as the pharmacy technicians or the assistants. The main aim of the ČKFA´s Board is to increase expertise and quality of the profession and support lifelong learning in the line with Czech and European legislation.
We are looking forward to cooperation with the European Association of Pharmacy Technicians and the upcoming challenges in 2020.
Alena Šindelářová – Chairman
Martina Šopíková – Vice-Chairman
Member Country: Denmark
Member Organisation Full Title: The Danish Association of Pharmaconomists
Country President: Ann-Mari Grønbæk
Report prepared by: Ann-Mari Grønbæk
Email contact details: info@farmakonom.dk
Website in english
The Danish Association of Pharmaconomists represents 4,913 pharmaconomists in Denmark and is a trade union for all Pharmaconomists in Denmark irrespective of place of work as well as for pharmaconomist students.
We aim at achieving a good working life for our members with attractive salaries and terms of employment, good opportunities for post graduate training and job satisfaction. The Danish Association of Pharmaconomists is independent of party politics. Its secretariat, in the centre of Copenhagen, has a permanent staff of 16 people: Pharmaconomists, legal staff, freelance journalists and administrative staff. Members can contact the secretariat and receive help and guidance concerning salary and terms of employment.
The Association is non-political and negotiates seven collective agreements with public and private employers. The largest organisation of employers is the Danish Pharmaceutical Association, which covers the private pharmacies where the majority of Pharmaconomists are employed. The Danish Association of Pharmaconomists was founded in 1946 and represents over 88% of all Danish Pharmaconomists. The Association issues a publication for its members “Farmakonomen” (The Pharmaconomist), which is published 7 times a year.
The Danish Association of Pharmaconomists is an established stakeholder in consultations related to new legislation and the establishment of rules that concern the Pharmaconomist profession set by the Ministry of Health and its agency the Danish Health and Medicines Authority.
Like the Association of Professionals in Pharmaceutical Sciences and the Association of Danish Pharmacies, the Danish Association of Pharmaconomists has influence on the appointment of proprietor pharmacists as it is consulted together the two other Associations to expresses opinion as to the suitability of applicants for a vacant pharmacy license.
The Danish Association of Pharmaconomists is a member of the trade union confederation FH.
Danmarks Apotekerforening – www.apotekerforeningen.dk
The employer and professional organization of private pharmacies in Denmark
Pharmakon – www.pharmakon.dk
The national school for Pharmaconomist.
Sundhedsministeriet – Ministry of Health – https://sum.dk/
Sundhedsstyrelsen – Danish Health and Medicines Authority – www.sst.dk
The public authority of pharmacies. An administrative agency of the Ministry of Health
Pharma Danmark – The Association of Professionals in Pharmaceutical Sciences – www.pharmadanmark.dk
Trade union for holders of a master or bachelor in pharmacy. The association is also open for other graduates in the healthcare sciences.
As of January 2024, The Danish Association of Pharmaconomists represented 4,913 members divided into the following areas: Private pharmacies: 2192 Public sector: 970 Industry: 380 Students: 537 Passive: 834
As of August 2024 there were 525 community pharmacies in Denmark owned by 176 individual pharmacists, 3 central magistrel production facilities and 8 unit dose packaging facilities, all of which are owned by one of the pharmacies. Community pharmacies are separate private enterprises owned by a proprietor pharmacist, who has received a license from the state to run the pharmacy.
As of August 2024 there were 8 hospital pharmacies, which employ the majority of Pharmaconomist in the public sector. Hospital pharmacies are part of the public hospital system.
Website: www.pam.fi
Website for PT: www.apteekkialanosasto.fi
Service Union United PAM (chairman Annika Rönni-Sällinen) is the trade union for people working in the private services sector in Finland. With over 184000 members, PAM is the largest trade union in Finland. Approximately 70% of the members are women. When joining PAM, every member also joins a trade union branch. The activities of PAM include: training for managers, shop steward, members active in union affairs at the work place, local branch officials and immigrant members. Training provided for immigrant members focuses on the study of Finnish, to improve their employment prospects. Organising and participating in various exhibitions and trade fairs (such as the Pharmacy Fair), seminars and events for union members. Influencing political decision-makers and the public opinion about low-wage branches. The union branch activities are defined by the Associations Act, and the branch itself is led by the executive committee (the chairman of Pharmacy Technicians is Tarja Seilonen). The branches represent their members in the union; they make motions, influence the living and working conditions of workers in the service sectors and offer services to their members. The executive committee of a trade union branch has the decision-making power. The Pharmacy Technicians association has had approx. 2100 members the last years. The Pharmacy Branch of PAM organizes professional training and shop steward training for its members. The association requites new members, elected representatives, mainly through the workplaces, as well as directly to the PAM assisted schools. Annual meeting in connection with raising funds for solidarity work. The target of funds will be children´s section, for example. Trade union branches (for example PAM - Apteekkialan osasto = Pharmacy Technicians) are independent associations that form a union (PAM). PAM has 116 associations. PAM negotiates 33 Collective agreements for its branches.
In Finland, one can conduct a pharmacy with conditions (pharmacy license) of the Safety and Development Agency for Medicines (Fimea). Fimea decides who gets the license for a new pharmacy. When a new or vacant pharmacy license is announced, the Fimea publish it and make the decision of who gets the license. Pharmacy Permits may be granted a licensed Provisor M. Sc./Pharmacy , who has not been declared bankrupt, appointed guardian or whose competence has not been restricted, he must also be a citizen of the EU economic area. Pharmacy license is granted to a specific area, usually the municipality. In cities Fimea grants several pharmacy licenses. Pharmacy can be placed freely within the municipality, this means that competing pharmacies may lie right at each other. Branch pharmacy locations are regulated in detail in the Act. The pharmacist can only have a pharmacy license and three branch pharmacy licenses. The pharmacist can also request of Fimea based service for pharmacy within its own municipality or municipal spruce sparsely built or village center. Service can be based only on areas such as the preconditions for a pharmacy or branch pharmacy. A pharmacy license is personal. Pharmacy Operations may not be leased or transferred. The pharmacist is professionally and financially independent in charge of the pharmacy. The pharmacist must bow his license when he turns 68 years old. For safeguarding the ability of medicines a group of pharmacies rotate the duty (one of them needs to be open). It is not possible to have pharmacy chains in Finland. In 31.12.2023 there were in total 827 pharmacies (private) of which 639 were main pharmacies and 188 side pharmacies. The figures include the University pharmacies. In addition, there is also in the rural areas, pharmacy cabinets and 100 pharmacy shops, which sell a limited range of non-prescription medicines. The pharmacy shops can also transmit prescription drugs. There is a pharmacy (main, side, shop) for every 6670 inhabitant. The pharmacist will pay to the State an annual pharmacy fee based on turnover. The purpose of the fee is to fill the revenue gap between pharmacies. The fee is set according to a table of the Law on pharmacy charges, so that its share of sales increases as sales rise. The smallest pharmacies pay no pharmacy fee, while the largest has a pharmacy fee that amounts to nearly eleven percent of sales. On average pharmacy charge is more than seven percent of pharmacy sales.
Pharmacy staff: Pharmacists (person with pharmacy license, has performed the examination for Master or Doctor of Pharmacy), M.Sc./Pharmacy (can try to get a pharmacy), Pharmacist Bachelor in Pharmacy (dispenser) and Pharmacy technicians. 59% of staff in community pharmacies has received pharmaceutical education. Technical workers employed by private pharmacies are represented by Service Union United PAM, whereas the Finnish Pharmacists' Association represents employees with the title of 'proviisori' (M.Sc./Pharmacy) or 'farmaseutti' (Bachelor in Pharmacy, dispenser). The workers of hospital pharmacies (in the public sector) are represented by the Trade Union for the Public and Welfare Sectors JHL. Community pharmacies employ altogether approximately 8700 employees in Finland.
Pharmaceuticals qualification and its formation From the beginning of August 2015 initial vocational training consists of occupation carried out in basic modules (135 competence points), common modules (35 competence points) and free choice modules (10 competence points). Basic vocational degree is 180 points of expertise. Alternatively you can demonstrate your skills based on the vocational modules. Initial vocational training, students can individually include in their basic qualification additional modules, if it is necessary in working life sectoral or local skills requirements or student deepening of the professional skills. Pharmaceutics contains two areas of expertise, pharmaceutical expertise (medicine technician) and commercial expertise (medicine technician). Payment and working conditions The Finnish system is based on that the Union takes care of the bargaining for the collective agreement (working conditions and wages). All the employers must follow the collective agreement and also pay at least the minimum wage to all the employees. In Finland the coverage of the Collective Agreement is 100%. The wage-system for Community Pharmacy Technicians is divided into different groups depending on how (all together 16 different wage-groups) demanding the work is (cleaner, technical assistant, pharmaceutical technician, pharmaceutical assistants) how many years you have been working in the branch (1, 4, 7 and 9 years) Working hours are 115 in a three weeks period, and the minimum wage is from 1781 €-2269 €/month depending on the demand and working years. If the employee works over 9 hours/day or 120 hours/3weeks she gets an extra overtime payment from 50%-100%. The employee can also get additional payment for job-specific, personal and working conditions (evening-, Saturday and holy Eve, and night work).
Immigration Office – www.migri.fi
Board of Education – www.oph.fi
Regional State Administrative Agencies – https://avi.fi
Helsinki Vocational College – www.hel.fi
Member Country: FRANCE
Member Organisation Full Title: Association Nationale des Préparateurs en Pharmacie Hospitalière (ANPPH)
Country President: Sylvette GARRIGOU
Country website: https://anpph.fr
Email contact: president@anpph.fr
Email contact for an equivalence request: julien.molesin@sante.gouv.fr
Julien MOLESIN office manager RH2 of the DGOS
Ministry of Heath: https://sante.gouv.fr
The ANPPH (National Association of Hospital Pharmacy Technicians), created in 1978, is a professional association at the service of all the profession. It represents Hospital Pharmacy Technicians practicing in hospital pharmacies in different kinds of establishment: public, private, military and firemen services. Its goals are to bring hospital pharmacy technicians together, to manage the requirements about missions of hospital pharmacy technicians.
The ANPPH is animated by the volunteer work and the determination of the Board members (18 persons), of regional correspondents (16 persons) and managers of continuous training centre (10 persons). They voluntary offer their skills and knowledge on different topics related to the profession.
ADEXA is the trade union for all pharmaceutical employees (pharmacists, pharmacy technicians etc.), and also for trainees and students. We negotiate the salaries and working conditions in German public pharmacies with the employers' federations and give legal advice to our members. ADEXA's head office with the administrative and legal staff is located in Hamburg. The organization was founded in 1954. ADEXA is not affiliated to the German Confederation of Trade Unions (Deutscher Gewerkschaftsbund, DGB) or any of its unions. Within ADEXA, each profession in the pharmacy is represented by its own group. These groups meet regularly and discuss their special situation regarding their scope of work and their occupation. They also take care of their interests within ADEXA. The Pharmacy Technicians Group keeps contact to the EAPT. Its representatives work on honorary capacity. Since 2018, ADEXA is organized in four regions (North, West, Middle & East and South) with regional offices and regional boards. ADEXA is an active member of the following associations, representing the interests of employed pharmacists and pharmacy technicians in Europe:
In 2023 there were 17.571 privately owned community pharmacies in Germany. Only a pharmacist may own and operate a pharmacy. One pharmacist may own one main pharmacy and up to three subsidiaries. There were about 4.700 subsidiaries in 2022. No bigger chain pharmacies are allowed in Germany. Instead, there are several cooperations of privately owned pharmacies which profit from shared purchasing, advertising and corporate design. Otherwise, there are no regulations as to where a pharmacy may be operated and how much pharmacies can be opened in a certain area. Approx. 160.500 employees are working in these community pharmacies. Most of them are women. This is reflected in a high percentage of female members within ADEXA. More than 68.300 pharmacy technicians are employed in the community pharmacies, and a much smaller number in hospital pharmacies, in the pharmaceutical industry and in health insurance etc.
There are three main professions in public pharmacies:
The PT profession is regulated by law. Whereas PCE are not allowed to sell pharmaceutical products, a PT can work in the lab or at the counter, giving pharmaceutical advice for both prescription drugs (Rx) and OTC drugs as well as handing out or selling both types of drugs. According to German law, a PT is working under supervision of a pharmacist. In December 2019, a new law (PTA-Reformgesetz) was passed. It came into effect in 2023 and contains new rules and regulations concerning the education and the professional work of PT in German pharmacies.
The PT education is regulated by law and a PT needs a professional permit from the state. In Germany, the PT education takes two and a half years. This includes two years fulltime in a specialized school for PT and six months as a PT trainee in a pharmacy. You need a General Certificate of Secondary Education to be accepted at a PT school. Some schools are financed and operated by the federal states, some are privately owned. For some time, there have been political efforts to terminate the school fees at all PT schools throughout Germany, by 2023 now 80% of the PT schools are free of payment for the students and the state or other organisations pay for the PT education in the PT schools.
In her or his first year of work in a public pharmacy, a PT earns 2.569 € minimum per month (according to collective agreement for 2024). This rises to 3.172 € in the highest group (after 15 years of working). You can find the collective agreements on the ADEXA website. ADEXA members are also entitled to an agreed special payment (one monthly salary). 39 hours per week is the agreed full working time. Most union members in public pharmacies are entitled to 34-35 days of holiday. There is also an agreement on six days for a further education holiday for PT and pharmacists every two years. There is no mandatory further education for PT or pharmacists in Germany. On a voluntary basis, PT can collect points for a certificate on continuing education that is regulated by the chambers of pharmacy. So far, there is no collective agreement for a corresponding rise in salary.
If you are interested in working as a PT in Germany, please visit www.anerkennung-in-deutschland.de (“Recognition in Germany”). This is the official information site for professionals seeking recognition of their qualification in Germany. You can find information in 11 languages: Arabic, English, French, Greek, Italian, Polish, Romanian, Russian, Spanish, Turkish and German.
ABDA – Bundesvereinigung Deutscher Apothekerverbände – www.abda.de
The ABDA - Federal Union of German Associations of Pharmacists is the umbrella organization of the German pharmacists. It acts as the main professional political body of the community pharmacies in Germany. It also lists contact data for all German Chambers of Pharmacist and Associations of Pharmacists.
BVpta – www.bvpta.de
The "Bundesverband der Pharmazeutisch-Technischen AssistentInnen e. V. – BVpta" is a professional association for pharmacy technicians (PTA) working in public pharmacies, hospitals, pharmaceutical companies, research, public service, as teachers etc. The BVpta does not negotiate collective agreements with the employers.
Founded in 1997 the National Association of Hospital Pharmacy Technicians is a voluntary association seeking to ensure and continually improve upon professional, educational and practice standards for hospital pharmacy technicians.
The mission of our organisation is to ensure and develop excellence, innovation and recognition of the pharmacy technician through personal development and sharing best practices. We have worked with education providers in reviewing and developing pharmacy technician courses with competencies suitable to hospital pharmacy services.
We are recognised by the Health Service Executive (government employment body) as the professional leadership body for our grade within the public sector. As representatives of hospital pharmacy technicians we have opened channels of communication and developed relations with key stakeholders in the pharmacy sector. Educational institutes, employment agencies and pharmaceutical companies are examples of groups that have engaged the NAHPT within their strategies. We represent our members at meetings and conferences and hold a seat on the committee of the European Association of Pharmacy Technicians. We are affiliated with FORSA Trade Union and currently have 150 paid members.
In October 2023 the NAHPT in association with FORSA launched a position paper titled ‘30 YEARS WITHOUT REVIEW: Seeking Statutory Regulation for Hospital Pharmacy Technicians in the Republic of Ireland’.
It has been submitted to the Dept. of Health arguing in favour of statutory regulation for hospital Pharmacy technicians in the Republic of Ireland. Senior decision makers from across the health service, statutory regulation, and the political system were invited to the launch in Dublin. The paper outlines that hospital pharmacy technicians are skilled medical professionals responsible for a large remit of healthcare services. Some of their key responsibilities involve, but are not limited to, compounding chemotherapy drug treatments, administering to and counselling patients on drug treatments, managing hospital budgets for procurement, monitoring the use of regulated medications, and reconstituting vaccines. In the Republic of Ireland there is currently no official definition for the hospital pharmacy technician role and no official regulation of education and training. The position paper looks to rectify this.
(Udruženje farmaceutskih tehničara Crne Gore)
Member Country: Montenegro
Member Organisation Full Title: Montenegrin Association of Farmacy Technicians (Udruženje farmaceutskih tehničara Crne Gore)
Member Organisation abbreviation: UFTCG
Country President: Svetlana Asanovic
European representative: Svetlana Asanovic and
Lela Rovcanin
Email contact: info@farmaceutskitehnicari.me
Country website: farmaceutskitehnicari.me
Montenegro Association of Pharmacy Technicians was established in 2004. by Aleksandra Brajovic Markovic, Natasa Djinovic, Dragana Milosevic, Magdalena Lecic and Zoran Popovic and it existed until the beginning of 2011. year. On the 28th May 2023. Svetlana Asanovic, Abona Jakupi and Elda Muric re-established the organization. The association is counting around 70 active members.
Association is promoting a lifelong learning, better communication with patients and recognition of patient’s needs. In past year, PTs had a chance to attend 15 lectures, organized by pharmaceutical companies such as Pharma Swiss, Abela Pharm, Osmi Red-D and individual lecturers such as Dr Miodrag Vilotijevic and Dr Snezana Barjaktarevic Labovic and Dr Verica Dabanovic.
Since the development of our professional website is in progress, our activities have been posted on social media (Facebook).
Pharmacy technician IV level education 240 CSPK
Training is being caried out after High School graduation and it lasts 6 months.
After 6 months of training, PT has to pass state exam in order to obtain an Liscence.
Liscence is provided by the Ministry of Health of Montenegro.
Payment: 450-750 euro
Optimal working conditions.
All PT qualifications need to be checked and recognized by the Ministry of Education, Science and Innovations of Montenegro.
Ministry of Health www.gov.me/mzd
Pharmaceutical Chamber of Montenegro fkcg.me
Ministry of Education, Science and Innovation www.gov.me/mps
Member Country: Norway
Member Organisation Full Title: Farmasiforbundet
Country President: Bodil Røkke
Report prepared by: Bodil Røkke
Email contact details: bodil.rokke@parat.com
Country website: www.farmasiforbundet.no
Farmasiforbundet – The Norwegian Association of Pharmacy Technicians – is a labour union for employees in pharmacies and the pharmaceutical industry in Norway. The majority of Farmasiforbundet's 3500 members are pharmacy technicians by profession, with a lower degree education.
Farmasiforbundet was founded in 1937, and Irene Hope is the union's chairwoman. These are a few of Farmasiforbundet's current key issues: Salary, tariff and working conditions The pharmacy sector and future sector prospectives Our own organisation and membership figures Farmasiforbundets main office is located in Oslo, with representatives all over the country . Farmasiforbundet is affiliated to the trade union Parat, and is member of the European Association of Pharmacy Technicians (EAPT).
The Norwegian Pharmacy Association has more information in English about the Norwegian pharmacy sector.
The Norwegian Association of Pharmacy Technicians www.farmasiforbundet.no
Norwegian Pharmacy Association / The association was founded in 1881 to protect the interests of pharmacies, and to deal with the authorities and other industries on behalf of the members. www.apotek.no
Parat is an independent, non-party trade union for employees. www.parat.com
The Norwegian Directorate of Health aims to better the quality in the health service and to promote factors that bring good health to the population. www.helsedirektoratet.no
Figures from 1 January 2020
Number of pharmacies: 990
Number Pharmacy Technicians: 2605
Member Country: Portugal
Member Organisation Full Title: Associação Portuguesa de Licenciados em Farmácia
Member Organisation abbreviation: APLF
Email contact details: presidente@aplf.pt and geral@aplf.pt
Country website link: www.aplf.pt
Facebook: APLFarmacia
Instagram: aplf_farmacia
Since may 11th of 1991, the Portuguese Association of Pharmacy Technicians - APLF (Portuguese: Association Portuguesa de Licenciados em Farmácia) is an organization for the social promotion and professional qualification of Pharmacy Technicians in Portugal. With a dynamic organizational model, the APLF aims to promote the scientific update of its members, ensuring professional qualification, in a deontological and ethical frame to promote safety and patient’s rights. Is closely connected to schools, expressing one’s view concerning the professional, technological and scientific progress, adapted to the needs in the field of pharmacy. Also promotes a national and international network, in order to promote the development in the fields of education, training and employment.
The APLF represents pharmacy technicians who obtained his degree (bachelor till 1999 or license) in a legally recognised education institution. APLF has associated members from different areas of intervention and knowledge (hospital and community pharmacy, OTC stores, teaching/education, radiopharmacy, industry, clinical trials and health unit’s management).
In Portugal, a Pharmacy Technician is a professional that is responsible to ensure the best treatment, adequate to patients’ need, managing and guarantying the right use of medicines. Has its intervention through community and hospital pharmacies, industry, radiopharmaceuticals handling and quality control, teaching and research teams, as well as other fields of activity that arose in the last years as clinical trials, regulatory affairs, pharmacovigilance and other fields of management.
The Pharmacy Technician is legally regulated with reserves of activities and protected title and scientifically qualified to conceive, plan, organize, apply and evaluate all the stages of medicines circuit and health products. Is a professional endowed with a wide range of knowledge in the area of medicines like production, acquisition and distribution. Plays an important role in multidisciplinary teams, capable of assuming responsibility opinions and decisions in order to promote best use of medicines in patient’s treatment. In Portugal a Pharmacy Technician can be the owner of a pharmacy or a parapharmacy (OTC drugstore) and assume the technical responsibility of a parapharmacy.
The profession is regulated by ACSS. The ACSS (Portuguese: Administração Central do Sistema de Saúde", I.P.) is a public institution created in 2007 that have the mission of ensure the management of human and financial resources of the Ministry of Health and the NHS, as well as its equipment’s and infrastructures.
The organization is responsible for the definition and development of standards setting and guidelines for professions, professional practice, work schemes, collective bargaining, professional registration, and human resources databases. The authorisation for the exercise is granted through the issuance of a professional card since the individual provides proof of his higher education certificate in a properly recognised school.
APLF appointed two members to the commission for the recognition of professional qualifications for the profession of Pharmacy Technician in Portugal. These two members represent the academy and the profession. The Commission evaluates applications to work in Portugal, as a Pharmacy Technician, from individuals who have obtained professional qualifications in other countries.
If you are interested in working as a Pharmacy Technician in Portugal, please visit www.acss.pt. This is the official information site for professionals seeking recognition of their qualification in Portugal. Information is available in Portuguese and English.
The Portuguese education system for Pharmacy Technicians is organized under the Bologna Process in a Bachelor degree of 4 academic years (Portuguese: Licenciatura), including a year of practice as a trainee. Mandatory training is required in both Hospital Pharmacy and Community Pharmacy, but other fields of activity are also available, including pharmaceutical industry, radiopharmaceuticals, research, OTC-drugstores, pharmacovigilance, clinical trials, regulatory bodies, among others.
After, many Pharmacy Techncians decide to continue and specialize with Masters and PhDs, in complementary areas such as Pharmacotherapy, Pharmacology, Toxicology, Biochemistry, Medical Informatics, among others. Currently the degree in Pharmacy is available in six in public institutions and three in a private institutions. Annually, around new 250 Pharmacy Technicians finish their degree.
Ministry of Health – www.sns.gov.pt/institucional/ministerio-da-saude
The Ministry of Health (Portuguese: Ministério da Saúde), is a Portuguese government ministry.
Central Administration of Health Sistem (ACSS) – www.acss.min-saude.pt
The Central Administration of Health System mission is to ensure the management of human and financial resources of the Ministry of Health and the NHS, as well as its equipment and infrastructures. It is also the governing professional body for Pharmacy Technicians.
Directorate-General of Health, Portugal (DGS) – www.dgs.pt
The Directorate-General of Health (Portuguese: Direção Geral de Saúde) mission is to regulate, guide and coordinate health promotion and disease prevention activities, to define the technical conditions for adequate health care provision, to plan and program the national policy for quality in the health system. health, as well as ensuring the elaboration and execution of the National Health Plan and, also, the coordination of international relations of the Ministry of Health.
INFARMED. I.P. – National Authority of Medicines – www.infarmed.pt
INFARMED - National Authority of Medicines and Health Products, I.P. (Portuguese: Autoridade Nacional do Medicamento e Produtos de Saúde, I.P.) is a Government agency accountable to the Health Ministry, that evaluates, authorises, regulates and controls human medicines as well as health products, namely, medical devices and cosmetics for the protection of Public Health.
The Slovenian Pharmaceutical Society has been active since 1950. The Society consists of 12 sections which combine the members according to their professional interests and 9 branches which combine the members of various regions. The section with the biggest number of members is the Pharmacy Technician Association. More than half of the members of the Slovenian Pharmaceutical Society are employed in public or hospital pharmacies, about 40 % in pharmaceutical industry and representative offices, wholesale, and some are also employed in public administration and in schools. All members must abide by the Code of Ethics of the Slovenian Pharmaceutical Society based on the moral obligations and moral values.
On the 31st December 2023 there were 24 public pharmacy institutes comprising 197 pharmacies and 54 pharmacy subsidiaries, 87 private pharmacies with 11 subsidiaries and 2 hospital pharmacies offering public pharmacy services. All together there were 351 pharmacy units carrying out pharmacy activities in Slovenia and 27 hospital pharmacies in 26 hospitals. Pharmacists as well as pharmacy technicians work in the pharmacies yet only a pharmacist is responsible for the supply of medicines as well as for the management of a pharmacy.
In 2023, 607 pharmacy technicians worked in public pharmacies and 165 in hospital pharmacies. Pharmacy technicians are also employed in the pharmaceutical industry, specialized shops, wholesale, representative offices of pharmaceutical factories, and some also in public administration.
Schooling of a pharmacy technician lasts 4 years. In addition to theoretical knowledge instruction, the students are engaged in working practice within the school and in pharmacies (the training lasts 190 hours). Pharmacy technicians who wish to work in a pharmacy must also accomplish also a 6 month training course in a pharmacy and pass a professional certification exam at the Slovenian Chamber of Pharmacy. A specialized shop can only employ pharmacy technicians with professional certification exam. Only the technicians with the professional certification exam can perform their work independently. The pharmacy technicians working in pharmaceutical industry do not need to pass the certification exam, nonetheless they have to undergo special internal trainings for the work they perform in the factory.
The net income of a pharmacy technician varies from 830 € to about 1,320 € per month (in 2023). The working time is 40 hours per week. All social contributions and taxes are paid by the employer on behalf of the employee. The employees also get remuneration for travel and subsistence costs. A 30 minute meal period is considered as compensable work hours.
Pharmacy technicians in a public pharmacy are entitled to autonomously supply medicinal products to the public, advice about food supplements and cosmetics. They can only supply over the counter drugs under the supervision of a pharmacist who also prepares prescription drugs.
Pharmacy technicians in hospital pharmacies take deliveries and manage storage of drugs and other medicinal products, prepare orders for various hospital wards, participate in preparation of galenical preparations and magistral formulae and perform other administration work.
The most autonomous work of a pharmacy technician is the work in a specialized shop. The technicians can work there and can also manage it alone.
In wholesale pharmacy technicians prepare delivery orders, sort the products, keep inventory of the sent goods. In representative offices and state agencies a pharmacy technician checks the integrity of applications, keeps records, takes care of reports and archives documents.
Pharmaceutical industry employs pharmacy technicians in production and to some extent also in laboratories; technicians manage individual production lines and may also head small working groups.
For years the Section of Technicians at the Slovenian Pharmaceutical Society has been struggling to give pharmacy technicians the opportunity to undergo additional training in order to achieve special recognised knowledge necessary for working in public and hospital pharmacies. This opportunity would motivate pharmacy technicians who want to further their careers and specialize in certain work areas (giving advice about medicinal products, cosmetics, food additives, informatics etc.). The obtained knowledge would enable them to become a part of pharmacy team as technical assistants who would together with pharmacists enhance performance and improve pharmacy services.
Member Country: Slovakia
Member Organisation Full Title: Slovak Society of Pharmaceutical Laboratory Technicians and Medical Device Technicians
Member Organisation abbreviation: SSFLaTZP
Country President: Alena Slezáček Bohúňová
Email contact: info@ssflatzp.sk
Country website: www.ssflatzp.sk
Slovak Society of Pharmaceutical Laboratory Technicians and Medical Device Technicians – The beginnings date back to 1969. Organizationally, we belong to the Slovak Medical Society Activities and professional focus of the company: The activities are focused on pharmaceutical laboratory technicians, medical device technicians working in pharmacies, health insurance dispensaries, control laboratories and other professional workplaces.
We are currently preparing the 45. National Conference of Pharmaceutical Laboratory Technicians and Medical Device Technicians. Almost 400 participants and partners will participate in the conference
Website: www.ssflatzp.sk
There are currently more than 2200 pharmacies in Slovakia. Pharmacy care facilities include:
The staffing of the pharmacy consists of:
In order to perform professional work activities in the profession of pharmaceutical laboratory technician, it is required to obtain a complete secondary professional education completed by the matriculation exam, in the field of study pharmaceutical laboratory technician, which can be obtained at 7 secondary medical schools. Subsequently, it is possible to complete the Certification training for special activities in the pharmacy and also the Post-secondary specialization study in the field of pharmacy and technician for medical devices. The obligation of a pharmaceutical laboratory technician is the continuous education of a health worker, which is regulated by law.
Pharmaceutical laboratory technician is employed in public or hospital pharmacies, medical device dispensaries, control laboratories, pharmaceutical production plants, in companies distributing medicines and nutritional supplements, as a pharmaceutical representative of a distribution company. Salary evaluation in the hospital sector is given by salary tables that take the number of years of service and the level of education achieved.
The tasks related to the recognition of a foreign diploma or professional qualification are fulfilled by the Centre for recognition of diplomas (CRD) by the Ministry of Education, Research, Development and Youth of the Slovak Republic. In case of education or training completed abroad, there are following options of its official recognition in Slovakia: Professional recognition (recognition of professional qualifications) is the recognition of professional qualifications obtained abroad for the pursuit of regulated professions (the professions that require specific training and in case of a foreign qualification a recognition of professional qualifications is required).
Our partners:
Slovak Medical Society Bratislava www.sls.sk (our parent company)
Slovak Chamber of Medical and Technical Workers www.skmtp.sk
Member Country: Sweden
Member Organisation Full Title: UNIONEN (Unionen branch Pharmacie & Health)
Country President: Unionen president: Peter Hellberg
Speaking person subsector Pharmacies: Juliana Keta
Country website: www.unionen.se
Unionen is Sweden`s largest Trade union on the private labour market and the largest white-collar Union in the world. We have over 700.000 members with 31.000 elected representatives in over 65.000 workplaces. We have about 4500 members active working members working in community pharmacies and hospital pharmacies, but also in health care, trade, industry, regulatory agencies and educational institutions. Amongst these there are about 1800 pharmacy technicians. Unionen is a member of five global federations in different sectors, For example UNI, the organization in which Unionen has most members .The second largest federation is IndustriALL Global union which covers all the sectors within the chemist industry and manufacturing. Unionen is represented on the global board of UNI as well as IndustriALL. Our president is a member of the board of ETUC (The European Trade Union Confederation) and EFS in Brussels. Unionen and branch Pharmacy & Health
Working environment Unionen has our annual investigation “Working Environment Barometric”. The result shows a continued negative trend of Cut-down the staff. The pressure and stress is evident in the Pharmacy sector and is continuously increasing due to the pharmacy companies' quest for greater profitability.
Unionen and branch Pharmacy & Health fight for that all members should receive training to maintain and ensure their competence and to be able to keep up in the pharmaceutical field. Unionen calling for urgent action, as the situation is alarming.
A large part of the work consists of monitoring and responding to suggestions from the MPA and the government regarding, among other things Dose-dispensing, state insurance for pharmaceutical injuries, animal pharmaceuticals, generics exchange and trade margins and orphan drugs. Our overall work is that all people should have the right to get the medicines they need regardless of where they live or how much money they have and be advised by the competent staff. Currently we are working on the issue of generic drugs as a way to improve patient safety.
There are both state-owned and private pharmacies. There are about 12.100 people working in pharmacies in Sweden. The pharmacies have every year over 110 million customer visits, representing approximately 300,000 customer visits a day. The pharmacy staff is, pharmacy technicians, prescriptionists, pharmacists, pharmacy assistants (have no right to give medicine advice), in managerial position and another professionals as nurses, logistics etc. A permit from the Medical Products Agency is required to run a pharmacy. The permit guarantees compliance with the requirements regulating ownership, pharmaceutical competence, premises, staffing etc. The Medical Products Agency also maintains the supervision over all pharmacies in Sweden. The Swedish eHealth Agency is responsible of the infrastructure and service systems, e.g. the pharmaceutical registry, the prescription registry and the annual health care fee limit data base.
The Health and Social Care Inspectorate (IVO) is a government agency responsible for supervising health care, social services and activities under the Act concerning Support and Service for Persons with Certain Functional Impairments (LSS). IVO is also responsible for issuing certain permits in these areas. Its supervision remit covers the processing of complaints concerning, for example, the reporting of irregularities in health care and social care (called lex Sarah and lex Maria reports) and the municipal obligation to report non-enforced decisions.
Health care and social services affect everyone, directly or as a close relative, in different ways in different phases of life.
The pharmacy staff is, pharmacy technicians, prescriptionists, pharmacists, pharmacy assistants (have no right to give medicine advices), in managerial position and another professionals as nurses, logistics etc.
There is no mandatory regulation on pharmacy technician competence. The main role for technicians is to give information and advice on self/healthcare, sell OTC/non-prescription drugs and to provide advice concerning general health. Many pharmacy technicians today work within the prescription process and the vocational college education program for pharmacy technicians include education within this process.
There is a 1.5 years Vocational College education for pharmacy technicians. The entry requirements are secondary education (12 years) and 6 herds experience in sales and preferably experience in health care.
Ethics follow the GPP in Sweden and Ethic roles by our Union.
The Swedish model is based on collective agreement that cover working conditions, payments and skills enhancement/qualification improvement. The agreement must be follow by employers whom have signed the collective agreement. About 99% of the pharmacies have collective agreements. Pharmacy technician have a medium wage of about 24.600 SEK/ 2690 Euro/month. And 40 hours/week in working-time. Vacation is at least 25 working days/year and you also have right to an individual skills enhancement plan.
It’s up to the managerial and the employees contact The National Board of Health and Welfare (SoS)